Registration Form

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Registration Form

Leh-LADAKH 3 Days Meditation Retreat Registration

While participating in the course, you are expected to stick on to the following rules.
Please review the rules and register for the course only if you are sure you can abide by it.

To follow the Five Precepts which are:

1. To refrain from harming any living being.
2. To refrain from taking what is not given or misusing the property of others.
3. To observe celibacy.
4. To refrain from lying, harsh speech, decisive speech and idle gossip (in the context of retreat, this means observing noble silence except when speaking with the teacher).
5. To refrain from the use of intoxicants (alcohol, drugs, or any other mind altering substance). For the comfort of others, we require that you also refrain from the use of tobacco.

  • In order to create a more supportive environment for meditation, we request that you dress modestly while at the Meditation Camp, refraining from wearing shorts, tank tops, and transparent or revealing clothing.
  • You are kindly requested to attend all the classes without fail.
  • We expect you to arrive a few minutes before the class starts and do not leave the hall until the end of the session, if at all possible.
  • In order to create a more supportive environment we need your full cooperation.
  • You are expected to complete the course and not allowed to leave in between.
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Make an Register

If this code of conduct is acceptable to you, then please complete the following Registration Form.

Note : Please write a short description of your experience (or lack of experience with meditation) and mention your motivation for coming to this retreat.